Modular processing with Modules¶
Instructor provides an addon allowing to implement complex processing flows using LLM in a modular way. This addon to Instructor has been inspired by DSPy library for Python (
Key components of language program: - Module subclasses - encapsulate processing logic - Signatures - define input and output for data processed by modules
NOTE: Other concepts from DSPy (optimizer, compiler, evaluator) have not been implemented yet.
Module consists of 3 key parts: - __construct() - initialization of module, prepare dependencies, setup submodules - signature() - define input and output for data processed by module - forward() - processing logic, return output data
class is a special module, that uses Instructor's structured processing capabilities to execute inference on provided inputs and return output in a requested format.
use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Module\Addons\Predict\Predict;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Module\Core\Module;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Module\Signature\Attributes\InputField;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Module\Signature\Attributes\OutputField;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Module\Signature\Signature;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Module\CallData\SignatureData;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;
$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__ . '../../src/');
// DATA MODEL DECLARATIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class EmailAnalysis extends SignatureData {
#[InputField('content of email')]
public string $text;
#[OutputField('identify most relevant email topic: sales, support, other, spam')]
public string $topic;
#[OutputField('one word sentiment: positive, neutral, negative')]
public string $sentiment;
public static function for(string $text) : static {
return self::fromArgs(text: $text);
class CategoryCount {
public function __construct(
public int $sales = 0,
public int $support = 0,
public int $spam = 0,
public int $other = 0,
) {}
class EmailStats extends SignatureData {
#[InputField('directory containing emails')]
public string $directory;
#[OutputField('number of emails')]
public int $emails;
#[OutputField('number of spam emails')]
public int $spam;
#[OutputField('average sentiment ratio')]
public float $sentimentRatio;
#[OutputField('spam ratio')]
public float $spamRatio;
#[OutputField('category counts')]
public CategoryCount $categories;
static public function for(string $directory) : static {
return self::fromArgs(directory: $directory);
// MODULE DECLARATIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class ReadEmails extends Module {
public function __construct(
private array $directoryContents = []
) {}
public function signature() : string|Signature {
return 'directory -> emails : string[]';
protected function forward(string $directory) : array {
return $this->directoryContents[$directory];
class ParseEmail extends Module {
public function signature() : string|Signature {
return 'email -> sender, subject, body';
protected function forward(string $email) : array {
$parts = explode(',', $email);
return [
'sender' => trim(explode(':', $parts[0])[1]),
'subject' => trim(explode(':', $parts[1])[1]),
'body' => trim(explode(':', $parts[2])[1]),
class GetStats extends Module {
public function __construct(
private ReadEmails $readEmails,
private ParseEmail $parseEmail,
private Predict $analyseEmail,
) {}
public function signature() : string|Signature {
return EmailStats::class;
protected function forward(string $directory) : EmailStats {
$emails = $this->readEmails->withArgs(directory: $directory)->get('emails');
$aggregateSentiment = 0;
$categories = new CategoryCount;
foreach ($emails as $email) {
$parsedEmail = $this->parseEmail->withArgs(email: $email);
$emailData = EmailAnalysis::for(text: $parsedEmail->get('body'));
$emailAnalysis = $this->analyseEmail->with($emailData);
$topic = $emailAnalysis->get('topic');
$sentiment = $emailAnalysis->get('sentiment');
$topic = (in_array($topic, ['sales', 'support', 'spam'])) ? $topic : 'other';
if ($topic === 'spam') {
$aggregateSentiment += match($sentiment) {
'positive' => 1,
'neutral' => 0,
'negative' => -1,
$spamRatio = $categories->spam / count($emails);
$sentimentRatio = $aggregateSentiment / (count($emails) - $categories->spam);
$result = new EmailStats;
$result->emails = count($emails);
$result->spam = $categories->spam;
$result->sentimentRatio = $sentimentRatio;
$result->spamRatio = $spamRatio;
$result->categories = $categories;
return $result;
$directoryContents['inbox'] = [
'sender:, subject: Offer, body: I am happy about the discount you offered and accept contract renewal',
'sender: xxx, subject: Free!!!, body: Get Ozempic for free',
'sender:, subject: Problem, body: My internet connection keeps failing',
'sender:, subject: Still no pricing, body: How long do I have to wait for the pricing of custom support service?!?',
'sender:, subject: Slow connection, body: 2 weeks of waiting and still no improvement of my connection',
$instructor = (new Instructor);
$readEmails = new ReadEmails($directoryContents);
$parseEmail = new ParseEmail();
$analyseEmail = new Predict(signature: EmailAnalysis::class, instructor: $instructor);
$getStats = new GetStats($readEmails, $parseEmail, $analyseEmail);
$emailStats = $getStats->with(EmailStats::for('inbox'));
echo "Results:\n";