Instructor can process LLM's streamed responses to provide partial response model updates that you can use to update the model with new data as the response is being generated.
$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__ . '../../src/');
use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;
class UserRole
/** Monotonically increasing identifier */
public int $id;
public string $title = '';
class UserDetail
public int $age;
public string $name;
public string $location;
/** @var UserRole[] */
public array $roles;
/** @var string[] */
public array $hobbies;
// This function will be called every time a new token is received
function partialUpdate($partial) {
// Clear the screen and move the cursor to the top
echo chr(27).chr(91).'H'.chr(27).chr(91).'J';
// Print explanation
echo "Waiting 250ms on every update received to make changes easier to observe...\n";
// Display the partial object
// Wait a bit before clearing the screen to make partial changes slower.
// Don't use this in your application :)
function will be called with partially updated object of type UserDetail
that you can use, usually to update the UI. <?php
$text = <<<TEXT
Jason is 25 years old, he is an engineer and tech lead. He lives in
San Francisco. He likes to play soccer and climb mountains.
$stream = (new Instructor)->request(
messages: $text,
responseModel: UserDetail::class,
options: ['stream' => true]
foreach ($stream->partials() as $partial) {
$user = $stream->getLastUpdate();
assert($user->name === 'Jason');
assert($user->age === 25);