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Support for local Ollama

You can use Instructor with local Ollama instance. Please note that, at least currently, OS models do not perform on par with OpenAI (GPT-3.5 or GPT-4) model.

$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__ . '../../src/');

use Cognesy\Instructor\Clients\Ollama\OllamaClient;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Enums\Mode;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Events\Request\RequestSentToLLM;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Events\Request\ResponseReceivedFromLLM;
use Cognesy\Instructor\Instructor;

enum UserType : string {
    case Guest = 'guest';
    case User = 'user';
    case Admin = 'admin';

class User {
    public int $age;
    public string $name;
    public string $username;
    public UserType $role;
    /** @var string[] */
    public array $hobbies;

// Create instance of Ollama client with default settings
$client = new OllamaClient();

/// Get Instructor with the default client component overridden with your own
$instructor = (new Instructor)->withClient($client);

// Listen to events to print request/response data
$instructor->onEvent(RequestSentToLLM::class, function($event) {
    print("Request sent to LLM:\n\n");

$instructor->onEvent(ResponseReceivedFromLLM::class, function($event) {
    print("Received response from LLM:\n\n");


$user = $instructor->respond(
    messages: "Jason (@jxnlco) is 25 years old and is the admin of this project. He likes playing football and reading books.",
    responseModel: User::class,
    model: 'llama2:latest',
    examples: [[
        'input' => 'Ive got email Frank - their developer. He asked to come back to him Btw, he plays on drums!',
        'output' => ['age' => null, 'name' => 'Frank', 'role' => 'developer', 'hobbies' => ['playing drums'],],
    mode: Mode::Json,

print("Completed response model:\n\n");

