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Basic use with HandlesSelfExtraction trait

Instructor provides HandlesSelfExtraction trait that you can use to enable extraction capabilities directly on class via static extract() method.

extract() method returns an instance of the class with the data extracted using the Instructor.

extract() method has following signature (you can also find it in the CanSelfExtract interface):

static public function extract(
    string|array $messages, // (required) The message(s) to extract data from
    string $model = '',     // (optional) The model to use for extraction (otherwise - use default)
    int $maxRetries = 2,    // (optional) The number of retries in case of validation failure
    array $options = [],    // (optional) Additional data to pass to the Instructor or LLM API
    array $examples = [],   // (optional) Examples to include in the prompt
    string $toolName = '',  // (optional) The name of the tool call - used to add semantic information for LLM
    string $toolDescription = '', // (optional) The description of the tool call - as above
    string $prompt = '',    // (optional) The prompt to use for extraction
    string $retryPrompt = '', // (optional) The prompt to use in case of validation failure
    Mode $mode = Mode::Tools, // (optional) The mode to use for extraction
    Instructor $instructor = null // (optional) The Instructor instance to use for extraction
) : static;
$loader = require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('Cognesy\\Instructor\\', __DIR__ . '../../src/');

use Cognesy\Instructor\Extras\Mixin\HandlesSelfExtraction;

class User {
    use HandlesSelfExtraction;

    public int $age;
    public string $name;

$user = User::extract("Jason is 25 years old and works as an engineer.");

